Acupuncture and Wellness
1329 Hatch Pkwy N, Baxley 31513 GA, United States Tel: 912-222-6949 Contact Us Website Sign in | ClickBook Information
Welcome!At South GA Acupuncture Clinic, we see people not only as they present themselves in illness, but more importantly as they would be in perfect health and balance, in full discovery of their true nature, unique in body, mind, and spirit. Sessions are tailored to help support a person's mental, emotional, and physical health. We offer swedish and therapeutic massage, reflexology, as well as prenatal massage and reflexology. We look forward to assisting you in your journey to better health.
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People & Resources
Leona Harter
Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist
Leona Harter, L. Ac., LMT, holds a Masters Degree in Acupuncture. She specializes in prenatal massage & reflexology, energy work, and 5 element acupuncture.
Greg Teston

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